Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pictures of Emma

Mom and Baby Girl!

Tah dah!

Isn't she a cutie?

The happy grandparents.

Emma's had a hard time learning to feed. Here we are using a 'finger feed' method. Luckily we don't have to do this any more.

Here's the happy new family!

Ready to take her home from the hospital.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Emma has arrived!

Well, she's finally here. Emma arrived to us on Friday, November 23, 2007; seven days ahead of schedule. It was the day after Thanksgiving and both Laura and I had the day off. We both slept in and I popped a DVD in to watch while I ate my bowl of Fruity Pebbles. The DVD was one I had checked out from the library and was, ironically, about how to take care of new babies. Just after the DVD ended, at about 10 AM, Laura's water broke. We already had bags packed, so it took just a few minutes to get ready to go to McKay-Dee hospital in Ogden. When we arrived at about 11 AM, the nurse examined Laura and said she was dilated to a 5 and fully effaced. She was surprised to hear that Laura hadn't had any contractions to that point. We were shown to our room and they gave Laura some pitosin to induce the labor. We spent several hours in the labor and delivery room waiting for the pitosin to work. Laura was finally able to feel some of the contractions. They were minor at first, but then she felt one that made her pretty uncomfortable. Time for the epidural! By the time the epidural was completed and working, she was contratcting pretty regularly at about 2 minutes apart. Finally, at about 6 PM, the nurse said Laura was dilated to a 10. Our doctor was out of town, so the on-call doctor was paged. She got to the hospital at about 7 PM and had Laura start pushing. At 7:31 PM, Emma was born. The vital stats: weight: 8 lbs, 11 oz. Length: 19 1/2 inches. Hair: dark. Eyes: blue. Mother, father and baby are all doing well. I will add some pictures tomorrow; right now Blogger is not working well.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Baby Showers Galore

Well I am now 38 weeks. I have been so lucky to have been given a few baby showers. I almost have everything I need now. All our family is so excited and has been so generous. I am getting very anxious for Emma's arrival. At 36 weeks the doctor said I was already dilated to a 2. So I am on my way. It seems more real now and every night I go to bed my dreams are filled with baby related things. My bag is packed and the car seat is in the car.

Quinn is also getting ready. He will finish his last class of the semester tomorrow. He was able to finish both of his classes early just in case Emma came a little early. He has also been helping me to get the house cleaned and organized. So I think we are ready. We do hope that she holds off until after the 24th of Nov., which gets us through Thanksgiving, my Dads B-day party, and my Doctor is out of town for Thanksgiving. I would really like him to be present for the birth.

However I am starting to feel uncomfortable because Emma now sits really low. So I will take her whenever she decides to come. I can't wait!