Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cute Kids

Finally able to sit up for a while in the exersaucer but not really able to play with toys yet.

Wearing every necklace she owns. This all the dressing up she will do.

Emma shows a little bit more interest in James. She will get toys for him and loves to try and tickle him like Mom. Last night I did look over and she was laying on top of him. I'm not sure why. I hope it was just to give him a hug. James just loves her. He follows her and watches her all day long and she is the one that can make him giggle the best.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

24th of July Weekend

First stop the Bountiful parade on Friday night. Quinn stopped on his way to work that morning to get us a spot knowing you can't set up until 7:00 am or so we thought. Apparently you can't set up on the park strip until 7. People had camped out overnight on the lawns and then at 7 they all get up and walk across the sidewalk to the park strip but their stuff down and go home. We had no idea the Bountiful parade was this big a deal this being our first year. A very nice lady asked Quinn how much room we needed and then said here I don't think we need quite this much space and moved over just a bit. She was so nice even when we got to the parade. She gave Emma a treat and let her play with one of their water guns.

Not sure if James had a great time but he sure didn't like wearing his hat.

Aunt Annie joined us.

Emma enjoyed about the first half hour (we had already been there 45 minutes) before she lost interest.

Taking a break for a snack.

James snoozing until the fire trucks came with their sirens. He did however sleep through being hit with a piece of candy and some water from the water gun.

Another break to color.

And here is the reason we came. The Ogden High Marching Band with Uncle Taylor in there somewhere. Mom and Dad were already at Bear Lake so someone needed to support him. Way to go Taylor. You guys looked and sounded great.

The parade did not have many floats this year for some reason but this one was the best that I saw. It was a How to Train Your Dragon float. Pretty cool. Although we did not stay till the end. We left just after Taylor went by having been there 3 hours.

The next day we woke up bright and early and headed to Bear Lake for the day. We were not ready for an overnight because of our last Labor Day experience. (Go back to Sept. for a reminder - stitches were involved.) We had a great day with hardly no wind. Emma loved every minute on the beach. She was covered in sand head to toe most of the time and we had to drag her away crying to stay.

James is a trooper and tolerated everything.

Emma and Grandpa built an elephant and a snowman in the sand.

James really hated his life jacket. I don't blame him it's hard enough having no neck in regular clothes.

Emma liked the boat ride for about 5 min and then kept asking Quinn if we were done.

She still won't look at the camera.

Driving the boat.

The weather was great. Thanks Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Moore for having us up for the day and doing all the work. We also thank you for getting our car started after water got sucked up into the engine. Quinn was trying not to get stuck in the sand to avoid being toad out instead he gunned it through the puddle on the beach and still ended up being toad out because of the water in the distributer. Now we know it is better to be toad out because you are stuck not because your car stalls. Thanks again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

James 4 Months Old!

Here are James's four month old pictures. They are so cute. He did so well and was such a good sport. I love this age when you can place them where ever you want and they will look at the camera and smile not like some 2 year olds I know.

These are the ones I purchased. You can see from the rest that it was a hard choice and I could have gone home with them all.

Here are the rest

Friday, July 16, 2010

News from this week.

Our big 4 month old boy can now roll over both ways. It's the floor from now on for you. No more couch time. We are very proud of him. Emma didn't roll over both ways until closer to 6 months. James had his 4 month check up and he is very healthy. He is also the size of a 6 month old. He weighs 16 lbs 6 oz. We love our cubby boy. We also had his picture taken this week so watch out for those pictures coming soon. He was such a good boy and smiled so well it was so hard to choose.

Now onto Emma. She is having a very busy summer. Not only she did go on her first airplane ride she is now sleeping in a toddler bed. We have passed the crib onto James who is very grateful to be out of the playpen. It was a hard transition for Emma to make. She was very comfortable and secure in her crib. She never tried to climb out of it. The first two nights in the big girl bed were awful. No one got much sleep. After that we tried putting a lock on the inside of the door thinking it will keep her contained and just might make her feel secure enough to sleep again. It worked. No more crying, no more getting out of bed in the middle of the night, she is pretty much back to her regular sleeping schedule. She also no longer bangs on the door to get out but realizes that after waking she has access to books and is just content to look at her books until I hear her and come get her.

So now it's time for another change. POTTY TRAINING! I think she is ready. I just hope I am ready. We started today. It went okay - meaning she actually went on the toilet 2 times. One of those time she actually told me she had to go before she went and we had enough time to get there. The other times she usually told me as she was already going. We ended up going through all 10 pairs of underwear and 2 pull-ups. The biggest challenge was actually getting her to stay on the toilet. She will sit there for 30 seconds and say she is done. I tried everything - reading, singing, coloring and bubbles. She would have none of it, she would just start crying and there was nothing I could do to make it fun enough for her to stay. All you Mom's out there what is the secret? I have a sticker chart, reward treats for trying and little presents for successful tries. I hope tomorrow goes a little better. (Thank you Marilyn for taking James for a few hours for me or I never would have been able to do this.)

Here is our big girl during one of the very few times she actually sat on the toilet for longer than 30 seconds. I gave her a new Dora coloring book and new markers. She is modeling the foam hat we made today.

The Zoo!

My friend Rachel from the ward has a membership to the zoo so she can get one additional adult and one child in for free at the zoo and she invited us one day. I never pass up a free pass to anything. Thanks so much Rachel we had a ton of fun.

James surviving the heat. He never complains about being in a hot stroller even after all we have put him through. What a trooper.

Shortly after this picture she climbed on top and then fell off. We left the playground area after her second fall.

With her friends Michael and Christopher.

Emma insisted on climbing the rino by herself and did make it to the top.

Miss Independent.

What a cute boy. He fell asleep with his toy in his mouth.

Can't leave the zoo without a drink from the lion's mouth.

Up close and personal with some of the animals. The reptile/small animal house is Emma's favorite. She's gotta see the snakes. (Who is this girl?)

Just some monkey's!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A few more vacation pictures

I finally got copies of the pictures that Quinn's brother took. Here are a few of my favorites. Sorry if their repeats!

Waiting for the last Shamu show of the day at Sea World. Emma if about ready to crash.

The whole gang waiting for the pets rule show.

Trying on Mickey ear hats.

James with cousin Sarah!

All the girl cousins with Sleeping Beauty. Emma, Sarah, Nicole and Loren.

All of us with Mickey Mouse!

Emma would only touch him - no hugs.

James sure stared at him.

More of Chip and Dale.

Who gave this kid a lisence?

She made it through the Matterhorn with out crying!