Monday, February 28, 2011

Indoor and Outdoor Fun

A playdate with Melissa and kids.

Here are Lilly and James playing together.

Lilly is only 1 month older than James.

One day James was trying to keep up with Emma by holding onto her airplane so I finally realized he had is own. I got it out and he just started walking behind it.

We had gotten it out a few weeks ago and he showed no interest. He was even able to steer a little. He will also take one step occasionally. He'll be walking in soon!

Helping Dad build a snowman.

James watching them wishing he was outside too.

That's the best looking snowman. It just about took all the snow in our yard to build though. We keep getting missed in all these storms.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Park!

On a rare warmish day my Mom and I headed to the park to let Emma get some much needed exercise. We are going crazy being shut up in the house this winter. Emma runs and jumps off the furniture all day long - I'm not exaggerating. Ask Quinn. While Emma enjoyed herself James just put up with the trip. It may have been a little on the cold side for his taste and he does not enjoy swinging or sliding yet.

Not enjoying this at all.

Loves it.

This is slightly better.

Our little climber.

Playing peek-a-boo with James.

Whenever we go to this park we have to go ride the buffalo.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quinn's birthday celebrations

Happy 32nd Birthday Quinn. Here were are celebrating with my family. Taylor's birthday is only two days after Quinn's.

Yummy cake!

A tired boy and his Grandma.

Good things come in cards.

Go Utes. Taylor is also a huge fan of the Utes and just got accepted there. Congrats.

Emma balloon sword fighting with an unarmed Grandma.

Quinn's actual birthday celebration.

Presents included a Simpson's calender, candy, a trivia game and a Big Bang Theory T-shirt that arrived many days later.

Nothing beats birthday eclairs.

James raided the recycle bin.

Now celebrating with Quinn's family.

Another Big Bang Theory t-shirt. Bazinga!
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Family Fun

Playing in the tent. At one point Emma insisted all four of us get in at the same time. If only someone had taken a picture of that.

Emma loves to wrestle James to the ground and most of the time he just giggles. He is just happy to have her pay attention to him in any way.

Quinn did catch her pulling a painful wrestling move yesterday though. She was sitting on his bum and started to pull his torso up. James protested at that.

James and Emma love playing peek-a-boo at every single meal.

More Holiday Pictures

Here are some more of our holiday pictures that I finally got from my Mom. Some of them were just too cute not to post.

We were able to get a family picture taken with all of us in it.

We had some fun playing the Wii.

Christmas Eve dinner.

Uncle Taylor with two of the cutest kids.

Emma loved playing with Tunia - Uncle Daniel and Aunt Hannah's puppy. She still asks to go to Grandma's and play with them not understanding why they are not there.

If you look closely, everyone is concentrating so hard. You might ask what are they playing: Mario Cart!

James enjoyed picking the ornaments off Grandma's tree. Tunia is waiting her turn to chew.

James loves to look out the low window at Grandma's.

Fun with Aunt Annie.