Saturday, December 19, 2020

Week 36-37 Emma's Birthday and Thanksgiving

 Week 36 - Emma is really bummed that this new stay home order is happening over her birthday but we are hoping to make the most of it anyway. 

Friday is still a remote learning day for all the kids which means Emma can do her school work with a friend (chatting online) while in her jammies. That night to have some fun we did a taste test of Sparkling Ice drinks. 

Saturday we took a drive to get out of the house. I made some zucchini bread and Mia had some Thanksgiving crafts. We dropped off a loaf of bread and a table decoration to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Zundel. They weren't home but were also out for a drive. Then we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa Van Bibber's house. We also had bread and a table decoration for them. It was also Grandpa's birthday so we were able to give his present. It was a Home Depot gift card so that he can use it to fix up his garage in preparation for his retirement when he gets to work on all of Grandma's projects. Emma also got her birthday presents from them. She got a dragon, a book and Stitch socks. Before we left Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Zundel popped in to say hi from afar. So we did get to at least see them. Then it was home to grill Emma's favorite kabobs for dinner before putting the grill away for winter.

Just a cute picture of this girl in her cowgirl outfit. We also got video of her dancing in it.

Sunday we had home church and Emma opened her present from Grandma Lavender and her siblings. She got an art easel and a stuffed dragoncorn. 

She also opened a few from Mom and Dad. 
She got a Stitch hat, shirt and onsie. I think she's pretty happy. 

We then took another drive to Great Grandma Moore's house to visit with her for a few minutes and drip off bread and a decoration for her too. It's sad that we won't be seeing any of these Grandparents for the holiday. All of us will be doing very small gatherings this year. Emma wore her new onesie if you can't tell. We also wore masks as we visited to help keep Grandma safe.

Then it was back home for dinner and a zoom call with the Van Bibber's. Emma also got a visitor. Uncle Taylor and Aunt Mckenna. They brought her a dark green Minky blanket and Emma is in heaven by how soft it was. All the kids were so jealous when Grandpa opened a Minky blanket from Grandma the day before. 

Emma wanted to make her own cake - red velvet with chocolate frosting because the store doesn't make red velvet with chocolate frosting. Apparently their red velvet cakes come pre-made and frosted with cream cheese. She didn't mind a bit thought and she got to top it with her new dragon. 

Tomorrow my first baby becomes a teenager!

Week 37 - Emma turned 13 on Monday! She was sad that she had to go to school but she got to wear a new stitch shirt, had and socks at least. I spent the day prepping this wall for paint. So many dings to fill! That night we had Dairy Queen for dinner as requested by the birthday girl and opened more presents and ate more cake. Her new chair for her room came just in time after it was delayed. She also got a pair of boots and a giant pair of overalls (oops) that will be going back. 

Tuesday I spent the day painting. So glad this was just a big wall with not a lot of cutting it. The pictures just don't do this color justice. I am still loving it so much!

Wednesday the kids were out of school for the Thanksgiving holidays. We got the house put back together and the kids perfected their Lego creations. One is a treehouse and the other is a Star Wars Cantina creation. We submitted both of these to the Lego Magazine and the kids are really hoping they get printed.  

That night we played a new game Quinn bought called Ravine. It is another cooperative game and really fun. 

Thursday - Thanksgiving Day!

Quinn and I both walked a 5k that morning. He is participating in a wellness challenge through work and I am kind of following along too. I did mine outside with Toby and he did his on the treadmill inside where it was warm. Usually I would be running at the Rec Center with Pam but she was on her own this year due to my dumb ankle which is still healing. For our Thanksgiving feast we headed to Grandma Lavender's where we were joined by Aunt Pat. It was a really nice dinner for the 7 of us. We spent the rest of the afternoon visiting and playing games. We also chatted with Uncle Shawn and Aunt Diane and cousins.  The kids drew names for Christmas presents.

Had to make sure I got a picture of all 3 groundhogs! Quinn's middle name is Patrick after Aunt Pat since he was born on her birthday.

James is such a turkey head!

Friday I spent the day trying to put up Christmas decoration with all the kids trying to help too! It took all day and I was beat after. I actually had to sent Quinn and kids out of the house for the last hour just to push through and get it done. He and kids went and picked up Grandma Lavenders new tree and dinner. 

Saturday Emma and I did some shopping. We tried to find her a pair of overalls that fit but sadly could not. But she did find this awesome raptor masks and that makes noise instead. Then that night we decorated our Christmas tree. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Week 34 & 35 -

Sunday November 8th 

Wow I've really been slacking in getting pictures. These are the only ones I took all week. But we ended our beautiful week with another snow fall of a couple inches. Mia also let me try out these curlers in her hair. She even slept on them Saturday night. As you can see they turned out great and she loved it. 

Tonight the Governor held a live press conference about the really high Covid-19 count we are experiencing. We have been having new Covid-19 cases in the high 2,000 range for over a week. So starting tomorrow he is asking us to stay home from any extracurricular activities, social events and family gatherings. There is now a public mask mandate in effect. Kids can still do school but no after school activities and their swimming lessons are also put on hold. The kids are not going to be happy about not being able to play with friends for two weeks either. The positive daily count needs to come down drastically so our hospitals will have room again for those that need it. The two weeks will end on Emma's birthday and hopefully the numbers will look better and she can have a few friends over sometime that week to celebrate. Thanksgiving may look different this year. Guess I better learn how to cook a turkey!

Sun. Nov. 15th

Well we survived the first week of two of staying home as much as possible. I still went for a walk almost daily with my good friend Pam but we wore masks. The kids missed their swimming lessons. And James missed his robotics and archery clubs but those will all happen again. Our state numbers are even higher - 3,000-4000 daily new cases. This is getting scary. 

I used this week to get another big wall painted in our great room. I am loving it! It took longer than I though because it was a lot of brush work around the sliding door and bay window. The next wall behind the couch and desk should go much faster because I will only have to cut in the ceiling and the baseboard. I am getting lots of practice and doing so much better at cutting in edges. I don't waste time taping off anymore!  The kids spent time doing homework, piano and electronics. But Saturday we spent several hours watching a movie (Dennis the Mennis) and playing/organizing Legos. Mia and I painted our fingernails and toenails. Emma did lots of homework and is caught up again. (Jr. High is tough! She has so much to do but she is getting it done despite all the tears.) 

Sunday was truly a delight! We went to our sacrament meeting. Then had zoom Sunday School. Grandma came over and we had a great Come Follow Me discussion. We love having her join us. Then we watched the 150 Celebration of the YW organization Face to Face. For dinner I tested out cooking a turkey breast for the first time just in case I need to do one for Thanksgiving. It turned out great! After dinner we caught up with all the Van Bibbers on our zoom call and then watched one of the Peanuts Thanksgivings specials. Hope the second week of no friends goes as well!

Monday night game night - Skip-bo!

The before - dull beige, good bye!

Hard to tell in the pictures but the gray looks amazing.

Just a look at the great room mess while I paint.

The kids really like the couches like this so they will stay for the weekend.

Saturday morning game time. Quinn ordered a couple of new games for us to help keep us busy during these two weeks. This one is called election night. As if this years election between Trump and Biden hasn't been stressful enough lets play a game about it. By the way it's till not totally settled but looks like Biden might be the winner! The game was actually pretty fun. It focuses on helping kids learn U.S. geography, addition or multiplication and how the electoral college works. Mia and I won the first game but Dad, James and Emma won the second.

Lego time! My back was killing me after this. Being on the floor for hours is for the young.

Sunday - The Brother of Jared's rocks providing light for this awesome barge Emma and James built.