Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fathers Day and the Single Parenthood!

We had a very nice Father's Day with our Dad. Emma was very excited to give him and help him with his presents. He got a trivia game, a movie and some socks. Yeah! We then had dinner with my parents.

The very next day Quinn left on a business trip to Europe for 11 days. Jealous, right! He was sent to Ireland and Holland leaving me home with 2 kids. I don't know how single parents do it. I am so grateful to have a husband who is here and involved with the house and the kids. We missed him so much but survived. Thanks to good friends and parents who helped out. Here are a few pictures from when he was gone. He took the good camera so these were taken with the video camera which does not do as good of a job.

James continues to grow and get cuter every day.

He is still such a happy baby.

A few days after our California trip we finally moved Emma out of the crib and into a toddler bed. She was so attached to her crib and so comfortable that we hated to do but James was ready for it. So Emma has not been sleeping as well or as long in her new bed. It finally caught up to her and she fell asleep on the couch one morning. If you know her you know that this is very unusual. She never sleeps just anywhere.

Washing her dishes in the bathroom sink while I do the real dishes.

Learning to push up on his arms. Rolling over soon?

We are so glad to have our Dad back. Every few days now Emma will ask, "Daddy coming home?" Wondering if he is gone again. I say yes and she asks in five minutes. So cute. We love our Dad and he has been informed he is not allowed to leave for so long again.

1 comment:

HDVB said...

Such cute pictures! Sorry you had to be without Quinn for so long! LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys!