I signed Emma up for a three summer rec class at our park. It's called Balls of Fun, and the kids learn the very basics of 4-5 sports. I thought this would be really great and she would have a lot of fun. I also thought it would be a good introduction to help her know what sport she likes before we sign her up for a full season of something. That was my thinking. I should know better. Emma has her own ideas.
So we get there last week and she keeps telling me, "I don't know about this Mom." I keep telling her how much fun it is going to be. So all the kids come and they are playing with the basketballs and all is good. She is having fun. Now I also have James with me and there is a wonderful park that can play at for a whole hour while blissfully sit back and watch the kids and read a magazine. Boy was I wrong. Once I got Emma talked into playing I then had to deal with James crying for the first 40 minutes because I won't let him go play. He was not old enough for the class and would not be able to anything they are having the kids to but he loves balls and he is just dying because I won't let him go.
Here is Emma practicing dribbling the ball.
Here is James looking on in envy but at least he is not crying at the moment.
He finally goes off to play and Emma comes up to me crying because she got hit in the face with the ball. It took be 15 minutes to get her calm and talk her into going back to play. James then comes up to me when I'm visiting with another Mom and I'm holding his hand so the we can leave as soon as the class is over which is in 1 minute. While I'm talking he starts trying to wiggle out of my grasps so I hold him be the wrist. Soon he is throwing his body weight around and twisting. Honestly I'm not paying much attention just holding on. Then he is on the ground crying and holding is arm. I think he has just twisted a little to far but I round up Emma and we walk home. All the way home he is crying. When I lift him out of the stroller he screams. I set him on the couch, put his favorite movie in thinking this will distract him. It doesn't. He still hasn't moved his arm. So I called the doctors, better to be safe than sorry. I am so glad I did. This kid has not moved his arm for a whole hour by the time our appointment came up. When we got there she came, took a look and said I think he has Nurse Maids Elbow. He popped a tendon out on the inside of his elbow. She said its going to hurt while I pop it back in but he will feel so much better. She did it and 2 minutes later it was like it never happened. The kid was as fine as could be.
Thursday went only slightly better.
It was tennis. Emma had fun until there was about 20 minutes left in the class. Then she decided she had had enough and I could not talk her into going back. James was no better. He cried again even though I brought a ball for him. It was not a tennis ball and we wanted a racket and to get on that court with all the other kids. He was still crying when Emma came up. I gave up and took them both home, one crying because I tried to make her go play and one crying because I wouldn't let him go play. Emma's personality is that if she can't do something right on the first try she gives up. It takes a lot of work to get her to practice something. It's going to be a long life if this sticks.
Today was slightly better. I was able to distract James just a bit and he eventually went and played.
Emma stayed in her class the entire time. Yeah, I guess baseball was okay. Though the girl teaching had her hitting left handed because that was how Emma was swinging, well she has never swung a bat before they didn't even go over that. They just okay I'm going to throw this ball you try and hit it. I'm not all that impressed with the skills teaching portion of this class. I know it's mostly for fun but if your going to teach them something start with how to hold a bat if you want them to swing it.
Thursday James is going to Grandma's house, yeah!