Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We Should Have Seen This Coming

How many times have you been watching a seemingly family-friendly movie, only to have a raunchy or profane scene partway through that leaves you wondering, "Why'd they have to do that?" Or have you ever been caught up in a TV series that seems wholesome, only to find that it's 'retooled' in the second or third season to be a little bit more risque? I have too, which is why none of us should be surprised at the newest Harry Potter book:

Yes, we should have seen this coming. Our Harry Potter is all grown up.



Bryn said...

I waited in line at Barnes and Noble for this one to come out! It's a PG-13 for sure. Don't read it to Emma.
You crack me up.

bjohnston said...

Oooh, I can't wait to see the Barnes and Noble kick off party for this one.

Sarah F said...

I'm waiting for the movie of this one.