Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Swimming Lessons

For the past 5 weeks Emma has been taking swimming lessons at the local rec center. We decided she desperately needed them because the last time I took her swimming she kept trying to wiggle out of my arms while telling me, "Mom, let me go, I'm swimming." She even jumped in from the side of the pool without me being there ready to catch her. So I signed her up for the Pre-school level 1. I even snuck her in a week early. You are supposed to be three years old. I was really nervous that she would not be able to sit and listen and follow the rules but after the first week she did great.

They practiced floating on their back and tummy's. By the end Emma was floating well on her tummy but still nervous about her back. She only really did it once with the teachers hands under her back but this was progress.

Emma learned how to blow bubbles with her mouth and to submerge her mouth, nose and eyes.

There was only one other girl in her class. Here they are learning the rules of the pool.

The teacher was so great, just a young girl but had lots of fun games to get them to practice kicking their legs and moving their arms. Emma can't wait to start her next class.

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