Thursday, October 18, 2012

23 Weeks!

23 Weeks!
Still feeling good but getting big already. This girl is also very active and loves to kick. I''m hoping everyone will be able to feel it soon. Emma thinks its funny that she kicks her when she is sitting on my lap reading books. Can't wait till she can feel it for herself. Emma is still very excited about her baby sister and can't wait to be able to help out. I hope that excitement is still there when we bring her home and she realizes what having a baby in the house is all about.

1 comment:

The Powell Family said...

You look awesome! I haven't been as good about taking pictures this round. Johnny got to feel his little brother for the first time the other day and now comes over and puts his hand on my belly and just laughs saying he can feel him kicking, even though he isn't really moving. Its cute!