Friday, January 11, 2008


Christmas Eve this year was spent with the Lavender's. We ate, played games and read a Christmas story. On Christmas day Quinn and I got up as late as Emma would let us. Once she was fed she went back to sleep and Quinn and I opened presents. We are hoping for more excitement from her next year. Then we packed up and headed to Ogden to spend Christmas day with the Van Bibbers. We had great time and everyone fought over Emma. She missed more excitement as we played a game of pictionary that got quite loud at times. Then the day after Christmas we got together with the Lavender's. This worked out very well because we were able to spend a day with each family and not feel rushed to get to the next place. After more food and more presents we played Loren and Tanner's new Nintendo Wii. It is really fun and once again Emma was fought over and slept through all the excitement (noise). I am very proud to say that I, Lauralee, am the boxing champ of the family. I beat Quinn, Kyle, Tanner and Loren. I now have to retire because it will probably never happen again and my arms are still sore!

All in all it was a great Christmas. Quinn and I got ourselves a video camera. It came in November so we could have it for Emma's birth. That was basically our Christmas. Emma only got a few things because she pretty much had everything she needed. She did get some toys and an umbrella stroller. If it ever warms up again we are set for a walk and I can't wait.

Emma and her Cousin Nicole on Christmas Eve

Emma and her presents from her stocking

Emma enjoying the rest of her gifts

Quinn showing off our new video camera

Emma in her Christmas Dress

The Van Bibber Family

Me and Emma the day after Christmas

1 comment:


In the first paragraph, in the seventh sentence, change "We had great time" to "We had a great time."