Friday, March 27, 2009

Playing Inside vs. Playing Outside!

I'm not sure which one Emma prefers, she seems to have a good time wherever she is and does not seem to mind the cold. Inside she played with Easter Eggs this morning. But once the sun was up we headed outside. I needed to start weeding the garden in preperation for some early spring planting. I am determined to get a crop of peas in this year.

I took some toys out with us but Emma preferred to be in the garden with me sitting, crawling and walking around in the mud. She was very happy and content, eventhough her hands, knees and feet were probably a little cold. Here are some great pictures of the fun today.

The Inside Fun:

The Outside Fun:


TheRocks said...

Emma is sooo cute!! I love that you let her crawl around in the mud in her clothes!! I love it when you post pictures of her :)

HDVB said...

You're such an awesome Mom! I bet Emma was so happy to be free to play in the mud! She is adorable and getting SO big!! I can't believe how fast she is growing!

Jill said...

still adorable...

Glad you're enjoying D-Day - I loved it! Laura, have you read "Princess Academy" also by Shannon Hale? I just read it and thought it was great. Fun story, great message, easy read.