Thanks to all of you who took a stab at our last "What in the World?" post. There were many guesses, ranging from the practical (paintballing, horseback riding) to the humorous (bootie dancers, flat-butted people) to the metaphorical (Utah State Aggies football fans).
In fact, the butt shield is used for snowboarding. I've never been snowboarding, but apparently you fall on your butt a lot, and apparently snow isn't soft enought to cushion your fall. Thus...the Butt Shield. The snowboarding industry's equivalent of stuffing rolls of Charmin down your pants.
I especially like this diagram that shows you the relationship between your Butt Shield and your pants. The Butt Shield is supposed to "peak" above your pants. If you're wearing thong underwear, then I suppose that would have to then "peak" above your Butt Shield.
Sorry I failed to comment on your previous post. I read it while in a hurry one day and never went back to comment.
The question that I have however, is what kind of internet "perusing" are you doing in order to come across such a fantastic product?
My guess was the closest. Do I win a prize?
The butt shield isn't the only thing "peaking" here.
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