Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Emma's Birthday Celebration with the Lavenders!

We celebrated Emma's and her cousin Tanner's birthdays this past Sunday. Emma had a great time and was able to figure out the present thing this year. It was a lot more fun than her last birthday when I had to open everything for her and she really had no idea what was going on. This year she got right into it the second she saw a present. As she opened her first gift (a Dora doll for the tub) she said, "Wow." She then immediately took it over to her cousin Tanner to show him, so excited to show it off. She then realized there was more and with each gift or card she opened she then took it to a different person in the room to show them what she got after saying wow. Emma had a great birthday. She received two snowman books, the Tigger movie, a sticker book and lots of stickers, gold fish crackers, and a stuffed snowman. Thanks to all the Lavenders for giving her a great birthday. We Love You!.

The Birthday Girl!


The Birthday Boy - Cousin Tanner!

Tanner really did ask for a Snuggie - so he got one in his favorite team color.

He even modeled it for us.

Singing to the birthday kids - Emma was able to blow out her own candle this year without lighting her face on fire but due to a slow camera I missed it. Good thing I have another try this Sunday.

Emma got her very own cupcake which she then proceed to lick the icing off first before eating the cake part.

Because it was her birthday celebration she was even allowed to have two bowls of ice cream.

Cupcake Good!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Emma!
We Love You!



Cutest birthday girl ever!!! Love ya, Grandma V.

bjohnston said...

Emma is adorable. I love her pigtails! Also, I'm jealous of the snuggie.