Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daddy/Daughter Weekend

Yes, if you can believe it, LLL has given me progressive levels of fatherly responsibility, which culminated in an entire weekend of watching Emma all by myself. Two weekends ago Laura went with her folks down to Cedar City for Carly's wedding reception. We weren't sure that Emma would enjoy another car ride of that length (we'd been down to St. George the previous week), so the two of us stayed home.

The weekend was pretty uneventful, with the following exceptions:

1) On Saturday morning, I wanted a bowl a cereal. I walked into the kitchen to get one when I heard Emma pulling books off the bookshelf. I pulled her away from the book shelf and ran back to the kitchen. Just as I reached for the cereal box I heard another noise in the front room. Emma had obviously teleported across the room and was now pulling DVDs off the DVD rack. I pulled her away again and still didn't have any cereal in my bowl when I heard her pulling other miscellaneous things off of yet another shelf. That's when I called for drastic measures. I dragged the coffee table and the piano bench over to block way to the piano and kitchen. I grabbed two kitchen chairs and blocked the area between the two couches. And finally, to thwart her attempts to play with the lamp cord, I tipped the rocking chair over in front of the lamp. By the time Emma pulled all of her toys out of the basket, and with 5 pieces of furniture strewn about, our living room looked more like a war zone than a living room. Oh, and I did get some cereal finally. Colossal Berry Crunch. Mmmmmmmm.....
2) Emma has developed 'tickle spots' under her armpits. This has been the source of much joy for me. Now I can hear the healing laugh of a child...whenever I want!
3) Emma has also discovered how to shoot her cereal bits across the room by applying pressure with her finger against her tray, until the bits shoots out of there, ala Tiddlywinks. Cute the first time. Not so much thereafter.

Note to my wife: Daddy/Daughter days are fun. Daddy/Daughter weekends are a lot of work. Please don't make me try Daddy/Daughter week.


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