The rest of the night we had a ping-pong tournament, Daniel won. The boys then played foozball, the girls played Hannah's new boggle game and once I finally got Emma to sleep (after two hours of trying) Dad and I played snowboarding on playstation. Dad and I are not boggle people. We had a great night. Before all us kids left for the night Mom and Dad gathered us around for a nice quiet, spiritual moment. Thank you for helping us remember the reason why we celebrate the birth of our Savior. It was also very nice to hear your testimonies. Your are wonderful parents and a great example to all of us. Thank you again for another great memory.
Emma playing with a box!
Christmas Morning!
Emma was very nice and let us sleep in till 9 am. Then we got up and got her feed and then dived right into presents. Emma was very spoiled this year and got lots of new toys including: bath toys, stacking cups, peg board, and a grocery market. She also got lots of books. Quinn got Guitar Hero World Tour, the Office DVD game, two more Wii games, and a Ute t-shirt. I recieved the movie Mamma Mia, the complete Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman series on DVD, also the Veronica Mars series on DVD and two CDs. Quinn also got me a pink U of U hat so I would have something to wear at events and be able to show my support. We had a great morning. Emma was not sure of what was going on really. She would tear off one corner of the present and then stop and try to eat the paper. Once she did get the present open she would want to play with it not realizing there was more to open. We had fun though.
Later that day, Quinn's parents stopped by and then all the Van Bibber except Daniel and Hannah came over for more presents and some Guitar Hero and other games.
The day after Christmas was spent with the Lavenders, Kyle had to work on Christmas so we celebrated a day late. We had more food and MORE presents. We had a great time playing new games. Kyle and Angie's kids got the whole band set for Guitar Hero so we played that and had a blast. Then we played UNO Spin and Catch Phrase until every had to leave. I'm so ready for nap after all this fun.
Thank you all for a Merry Christmas and we hope yours was just as fun. We love You!
Happy New Year.
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