Here are somethings about Emma at 2 years old!
Emma is a happy girl - she loves life.
Emma is a good eater - for the most part. If she is in the mood to eat she will eat just about anything. She loves fruits and vegetables the most. She is a typical toddler though and there are days where she just can't take the time to stop playing to eat.
Emma is not a morning person. Quinn and I once awake can get up and go. Not Emma, she enjoys waking up on her own, playing in her crib, watching some T.V. or reading books before eating any breakfast. If you try to rush her she will resist.
Emma loves books! She loves to stack them into piles over and over again. (I think she likes the control) She loves to flip through them and have them read to her. Her favorite book right now is
The Grinch by Dr. Seuss.
She will let me read the entire book to her and it is quite long for a toddler.
Emma loves stuffed animals. She has way too many. Right now her favorite is a dog which Quinn named Ralph for her. She takes it everywhere we go and sleeps with it. She is very concerned about where he is all day long. She will come up to me several times a day to let me know that he is nice dog or a cute dog. Her attachment to Winnie the Pooh is gone for the moment but I'm sure she will switch her affections again soon.
Emma is also very complementary to us. She will often tell me "Cute" when I put on a sweater or a shirt I wasn't wearing before.
Emma loves T.V. or movies. (A bit too much for me). Right now she is in love with Frosty the Snowman and wants to watch it everyday (although I am able to suggest another movie but I'm sure that will change in time). The disc also included Frosty Returns but don't even try to play that. The first time she watched it I was in the kitchen fixing dinner and I heard her yelling, "NO" to the T.V. She knew it was not the same (I agree).
I is very strong willed. It is almost impossible to make her do something she doesn't want too. (she doesn't understand bribes yet) Here is an example. Our dentist insisted that we brush her teeth. We explained that she wouldn't let us. He said that he had to do this trick with his kids and it took about two weeks before they learned. He said to let her brush and then it is your turn to brush. If she won't let you then one of you hold her down and the other can brush while she cries. Eventually she will learn that it is better to just open her mouth then to be held down. So we tried this - for two months straight. We took a couple of weeks off because some kids need to be introduced a couple of times to new things. We are back doing it and it is going only slightly better. She still has to be held down. Now Emma is smart. She doesn't cry or yell that much. She clamps down her jaw and there is all most no way to get in. The only thing that works sometimes is to sing a song while we do it. Right now Jingle Bells is working. Stubborn kid!!
Emma is smart - she loves to learn new things - especially puzzles.
Emma loves to sing. She knows most of the words to I am a Child of God, Once there was a Snowman and the ABC song. She will also sing along with others making up her own words but in rhythm.
Emma likes to count but this still needs some work. When she counts by herself she repeats 3-2-3 over and over. When we count with her she never says one, she will wait for you to say it and then will say 2-3 she always forgets 4 and 5 and moves right on through 6-7-8-9 and then will wait for you to say 10.
Emma love to color but she has discovered that it is fun to color on other things like the couch and her books. So we are not doing as much of that at the moment.
Emma loves to climb. She will climb up and over the back of the couch. She will climb in her crib but now out yet thank goodness. She will push a chair over to anywhere she wants reach - nothing is safe anymore.
Emma loves - loves to be outside. You have to drag her in kicking and screaming. This is good but she feels so couped up right now because it is so cold I won't go out. She has lots of energy stored up right now.
Emma was not a cuddly baby and that has only changed a little. It is a rare moment when she will come lay by me or let me cuddle her when we rock. She loves to be rocked but just not held/cuddle tightly at the same time. I love those moments when it happens though.
Emma loves to be around people and kids. She chases kids yelling out "kids" wanting to do what they are doing. She also bosses them around if she gets the chance. The other day at a family party she walked in and said, "Hi people." She is very social, she must get that from someone else because it didn't come from me or Quinn (maybe his mother).
Emma is many things and we love her for all of them.